Quality & Standards
We are members of the British Coatings Federation which offers guidance on health, safety and environmental matters and an opportunity to influence UK and European legislation.
We manufacture food contact coatings in compliance with EuPIA Good Manufacturing Practice.
We are members of Two Sides an initiative that promotes the sustainability of print and paper.
We are members of SEDEX the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange, which is a not for profit membership organisation dedicated to driving improvements in responsible and ethical business practices in global supply chains.
We support the UN Global Compact which is the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative.
We are accredited to ISO 9001 Quality Management, ISO 14001 Environmental Management and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management.
We are committed to proactively limiting our impact on the environment, for more information on how you can dispose of waste in an environmentally responsible manner please see www.recyclenow.co.uk